Our #doughtolove campaign is an opportunity to feature YOU and YOUR story. Share for a chance to be featured on our Facebook, Website, and receive a large cheese pizza.

  • Rudy & Diane

    We got married to each other on May 5, 1979, but an important part of our story began at Romana's. Rudy took me to your restaurant and while we were waiting for our meal he asked for his bracelet back, which he gave to me when we started "going together" , I was devastated, and spilled my soda all over the table and window, but then he said he had something to give to me in exchange, at which time he pulled out an engagement ring and asked me to marry him ! It will be 45 years in May, we are still happily married and still enjoy Romana's !

  • Melissa C.

    I’ve been with my significant other for 24 years this March . Our very first date was dinner at Romana’s Restaurant! I’ve always loved your restaurant and food as long as I can remember even as a child! We had a wonderful dinner that night and that started out happily ever after! ❤️ My appetizer that night was soup, I believe it was sausage florentine, which was wonderfully delicious! 😋

Share your Story


Share your Romana's memory in a few lines.

Was it a special date, a family gathering, or a memorable meal with friends?

Write it down and send it our way! Use our Google Form [insert link] or email us directly at


Capture your favorite Romana's moment in a photo.

Whether it's your go-to dish, a family celebration, or smiles over a meal, share it with us!

Use our Google Form [insert link] or email your photos to


Tell your Romana's story in a video. Grab your camera or smartphone, visit us in person for a recording, or use our Google Form [insert link].

You can also email your video to [insert email]. Get ready to be featured on our website, Facebook, and soon on Instagram!